Then I rose up and started, with hands abroad and fingers spread, to balance myself In arm stand dive, on the other hand, the diver must be balanced and straight in a handstand before takeoff. 我然后站起身向前走,两手伸出,指头叉开着,保持着身体的平衡。倒立起跳时,选手在起跳前必须用手支撑使身体保持平衡和竖直。
Objective To study the balance control of upper limb during perturbation by the object held in hand and the affect of vision for recovery. 目的研究人手在握物受扰后的恢复过程以及整个过程中视觉对于神经肌肉控制系统的影响。
The world champion motorcycle rider loses his balance while drawing the curtains in his home, trips over and falls on a glass table, cutting his hand and foot. 世界摩托车冠军罗西在家拉窗帘时,不小心被布绊倒,一霎那失去了身体平衡,摔到了玻璃桌上,划伤了他的手和脚。
Balance in hand or cash in hand 手头余额或手头现金
I have had my best year ever young bird season, I have found the Vandenabeele pigeons fantastic and also they have good balance, handle well in the hand and have good character. 我发现凡得那比鸽子的奇妙之处了,他们有着很好的平衡感,在手里时感觉很好,还有着优秀的特质。
The technology alternative theory basis that Chinese high quality vegetable produces is the balance of the marginal cost and marginal revenue. At the same time, it goes hand in hand with themselves 'risk attitude and the objective information asymmetry. 优质蔬菜生产者技术选择的理论基础是边际成本与边际收益两者之间的权衡,同时又与他们自身的风险态度与客观存在的信息不对称密切相关。